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Ströer Native: Native AdIn

Ströer Native: Scalable Native Advertising
Ströer Native enables an automatic display of content in the look and feel of all media forms on premium spots in editorial settings.

Maximum credibility with True Native Advertising
Native AdIn is well-suited for brands/storytellers, who would like to spread informative and interesting content through detailed articles with a lot of presentation possibilities. The Native Teaser thereby serves as a traffic-generator for the Native content. The Native content is placed naturally in the flow of information of the target group. Enjoyable, authentic and free from interferences.

Besides Native AdIn, Ströer offers the formats Native AdOut, Native Video Ad and Native Promotion Ad.

Native Teaser

Native Content

File format, size & data weight

The Native AdIn format consists of two elements: Native Teaser and Native content

  • Image formats: .gif / .jpg / .png / 3rd party tag
  • Image size:
    1×1 (z.B. 600px x 600px)
    2×1 (z.B. 600px x 300px)
    3×2 (z.B. 600px x 400px)
    4×3 (z.B. 600px x 450px)
    6×5 (z.B. 600px x 500px)
    16×9 (z.B. 800px x 450px)
  • Data weight: 250 KB per image
  • Minimal width of images: 600px
  • Headline options:
    Short: max. 25 characters
    Medium: 30–45 characters
    Long: 60–70 characters
  • Text options:
    Short: 70–110 characters
    Medium: 140–200 characters
    Long: 250–350 characters

Please submit all image sizes.
Please submit all headline options and text options.
Headlines: no capital letters, pricemarks or percentages
Text: maximum of one pricemark or percentage, no capital letters or direct address of the reader

Up to 5 teasers can be displayed per campaign. For this purpose, all sizes, text and image options must be submitted for each teaser.

Native Content

  • Content: 500–2500 characters
  • External links: any number of external links possible
  • Data weight: 250 KB per image
  • Image size: min. 1.200px wide
  • Image formats: .gif / .jpg / .png / 3rd party tag


  • Image-gallery
  • Accordion-element
  • Videos: Youtube, Vimeo and other embeddable videos (normal mp4 videos with max. 20 MB)
  • Social Widgets (Facebook, Twitter etc.)


  • Delivery template: MS Word document
  • Images in all sizes and formats ordered: as attachment

Note for copywriters:
Many publishers use different ways of address (formal/informal) for their readers. If you want to display universally usable content, avoid directly addressing the reader.

Get in Contact With us

There are many reasons to enter the online world with your own business. Local online marketing with campaigns that are tailored to your needs is the optimal solution for advertising new products, strengthening your image or simply making a name for your company. Step by step we’ll guide you to your online success!