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Ströer Online Marketing — interesting facts about our online-banner-ads

They may be dynamic or static: online-banner-ads, which are embedded into the user’s flow of reading on websites. Visually pleasing and with a catchy slogan, they increase visibility for your message. Find out below which requirements exist for these advertising media.

  • Delivery of the advertising medium (if possible as *.zip-file) and technical questions via e-mail to your customer service contact.
  • The e-mail should contain the following: customer name, campaign name, campaign period, advertising medium as well as a contact person in case of queries on our part.
  • Delivery of the advertising media to STRÖER Online Marketing: 7 business days before campaign start at the latest.
  • Dynamic banner-ads must end in a freeze-frame after max. 30 seconds.
  • The advertising medium must be clearly recognisable as advertisement (e.g. no ads made up like products) and distinguishable from the background (no white background without frame).

We provide the following banner-ad-sizes:

AdBundle Superbanner 728 x 90 150 kB
Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 150 kB
Wideskyscraper 160 x 600 150 kB
Mobile Banner 320×50 150 kB
Billboard Ad 800×250 / 970×250 / 770×250 150 kB
Dynamic Sitebar 100 % dynamic scaling, minimum size: 120 × 600 Pixels, HTML5 150 kB
Halfpage Ad 300×600 150 kB

Important: Banner-ads for mobile devices need to be labelled as “Advertisement”:

  • -w- for ad-labelling in one of the corners.
  • font size min. 9 pt. (for high-resolution-ads min. 18 pt.)
  • high-contrast font colour
  • sans serif, e.g. Arial

What are the requirements for the landing page?

  • An ad’s target-url must be fully functioning and lead to a fully functioning website (at campaign start). It cannot lead to an e-mail-address or file.
  • The ads cannot initiate software downloads on the user’s computer without the user being obviously and demonstratively informed about installation, operating and deletion of the software and being able to deny the installation after this information.
  • Please note: Fake-ads (e.g. Windows error messages or non-working choice boxes) are not accepted.
  • If the ads do not meet the technical or content requirements, the start date for a specific placement and/or campaign may be delayed.
  • Should the ad-contents be delivered late or not adhere to the technical requirements, STRÖER Online Marketing reserves the right to postpone the campaign for the same number of days in order to achieve the agreed upon impression/click-objectives.
  • The logo on the banner-ad must be the same as the logo on the landing page.

Worth knowing about the advertisement media:

  • Possible file types are JPEG, PNG, GIF and HTML5.
  • Advertisement media cannot exceed the max. size of 150 kB during initial loading. Further loading must work moderately and cannot exceed a size of 300 kB.
  • The call-to-action must be clearly recognisable, i.e. big enough, shaded and with design elements (button/arrow/underscore).
  • The call-to-action must be coherently worded and should entice the user (and should also used on the landing page). For example: “Surprise someone now!/Treat someone now!” sounds more positive than “Buy now!/Order now!”
  • Incentives, e.g. a coupon-offer, should be prominently placed on the landing page.
  • The Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) should be concise and true benefits for the user.
  • In order to not confuse the user, mind a consistent design for the advertisement medium and the landing page.
  • Clear structure is key! The advertisement medium cannot be excessively ornate and the contents must be comprehensible at the first glance.
  • Mind the z-reading-direction and a sensible content layout:
    • Who is advertising? → logo
    • Why are they advertising? → e.g. Mother’s Day
    • What is advertised? (possibly reinforce through visuals) → flowers
    • Why should the user click? → USP/incentive
    • Call-to-action

Get in Contact With us

There are many reasons to enter the online world with your business. Local online marketing with ad campaigns that are tailored to your needs is the optimal solution for advertising new products, strengthening your image or simply making a name for your company. Step by step we’ll guide you to your online success!